Monday, December 13, 2010


I never understood why people lie. You have people say "Oh, I only lied to protect you" or "It was only a little lie..." WTF is a little lie and how does that shit protect anyone??? Lies only protect the liar from the honest truth and they are the sole individuals who can't not handle the truth. Let's take this example for instance:

The Guy and Girl are dating. They had plans to go out on a date, but at the last minute the guy calls to cancel to hang out with his friend who has an extra ticket to a basketball game.

Guy: "Hey Baby, I'm just calling to let you know I'll be a little late."
Girl: "Awww really, I was hoping we could catch dinner or a movie."
Guy: "How about I call you tomorrow and we can rescheduled for tomorrow night."
Girl: "Ok, talk to you later."

Later on the girl is at home watching the very same game that her boyfriend ditched her for
and who happens to end up on TV, the guy, but she doesn't say anything she waits for him to own up to it.

The Next Evening

Guy: Sorry about last night, they really want that deadline meet.
Girl: Oh, that's ok i know how it can be, thanks for letting me know ahead of time.
Guy:So, what did you end up doing?
Girl: Watching the games, we should get tickets....
Guy: Ahhh, yeah we should.
Girl: When was the last time you've been to one?
Guy: ahhhh.....not in a long time.
Girl: That's funny, because I was watching the game last night and there was a guy in the crowd that looked exactly like you.
Guy: #speechless

Now this would be a good time to confess the error of his ways, but some will choose to keep the lying going and this is the kind of people that I never understood. #GETYOURLIFEINORDER

Lying is pointless and takes to much damn energy and results in a lot of needless and endless foolishness. If you have to lie to someone its because you do not have the ability t be honest with yourself. If you can not be honest with yourself, how do you expect people to be honest with you? You will live your life in a continuous circle of deceitfulness.